Announcing: My First Mini Series

Some people in the blogging world do this thing called Write31 where they choose a topic and write a post on it every day for the month of October. I wanted to, but I decided that’s too much for me right now. Maybe next year. But I can practice with a mini series. So I’ve picked a title (completely borrowed) and I’m going to try for the next five days to write a post each day.

Even that is scary for me.  I’ve never watched anyone else do much writing but I’m pretty sure I write slowly.  And I rewrite.  My words come out choppy and disconnected and it takes work to turn them into something that flows and makes sense to someone else. Sometimes it’s a little frustrating because at times words can come quickly for me, but mostly it feels like I have thoughts that aren’t quite words yet and I’m working to pull them out into sentences and paragraphs.

And then there is just the sitting down to actually write something. Why is that so hard? There’s always laundry to fold, the next meal to plan, or somebody needs something from me right now.  Or maybe it’s just that I feel this compulsive desire to see what’s been posted on Twitter since I last checked an hour ago, or that my favorite corner of the couch is calling my name. Or there is just the reality that are people around and someone will probably want me soon, and it feels like it is not a good time to sit down and excavate thoughts and polish them up and put them into print.  Sometimes the word I need is start.

Writing on one topic five days in a row will be fun because I won’t have to try to finish up so well.  I can write something and then write some more on it tomorrow.   I think it will make it feel easier.

My topic for the week is becoming human. I’ll leave it at that for now. Tomorrow my first post should be up.  You may already be in bed when it comes, but it’s coming, tomorrow.


  1. MM, huh? ?
    I can relate with almost every word of this post. Just thinking about it, I’m pretty sure procrastination is just a big word for fear. Hmmm. Ouch.
    Anyway, I can’t wait to read your thoughts. I know it’s a lot of work, this thoughts to words to paper thing. You’re brave. ❤️

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